From the creator of Anorel Arts

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thank Ya Very Much

     I don't really have anything interesting to talk about right now, so this post is purely for updates. First, thanks to the four people who voted in the poll that was open for two weeks. I have no idea why you're actually interested in me and my stuff more than tutorials and other artists, but I'll do my best to spend more time talking about the work of yours truly. Just don't try to stalk me or something. I'm really not THAT interesting. Anyway, I spent some time today working on my website, so there's a new piece or two up and I'm pretty sure everything on the site has a buy button on it now. Finally, don't forget that for the next two weekends, I'll be out and about peddling my wares. If you have the chance, please drop by the Hampton Yellow Pollen Street Festival on the 19th or the Berry Arts and Crafts Festival on the 26th and say hi.

     In preparation for the upcoming festivals, I'm attempting to wring as much creative energy as I can out of this feeble body of mine. Just now finished baking a new bracelet and ring (yes, I'm starting to make rings!), and I'm cranking out some other clay stuff as well. Hopefully I'll have some pictures later. Aside from making jewelry though, all of my free time is about to be devoured by Dragon Age II (WOOHOODLE!) so don't look for many posts this month. This might be it. Sayonara!